Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Water Gremlin

First off, let me say, it is 6:45am as I write this post. I haven't seen 6:45am in awhile now, but Brett convinced me to get up early this morning to see if that helps start our day off right. Coffee is brewing and none of the kids are awake (yet!). Of course, it does help that I was home from work by 10:15 last night and asleep before Conan started.

Anyways...on to my story......

Brett and I are brushing our teeth last night when he looks over at our bedside table. There is Eli, dressed only in a Pull-Up and t-shirt downing a bottle of water. He had been asleep for two hours already, but woke up, walked into our room, didn't say a word to us, and proceeded to chug half of the bottle. He was sucking down the water so hard that the bottle was crinkling up. He didn't even stop to take a breath. Brett and I walked out of our bathroom, trying to hide our laughter, and he looks at me and says, "Mommy" with his half smile. Brett called him a little "water Gremlin". He then crawled up in the middle of our bed and went back to sleep.

On to my day, we are rejoining the YMCA after almost a year of non-membership. The kids are mostly excited (Alyssa is *very* excited- she can use the equipment this year). I am going to try to schedule this into our day EVERY day. Today, we're scheduled to go in a little before 2, so we can sign up and still have time to work out, drop by the store on the way home, have time for me to fix dinner, shower, and be ready for me to leave for work by 5:30. This means, our day up until 1:30, needs to be run a little smoother, hence my sleepy self sitting up, trying to wake up, typing this before 7am.

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