Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Good Morning, Fall

I woke up this morning with a very cool breeze blowing throwing my open windows. It definitely feels like fall. I love waking up all snuggled in my bed- the only problem with this is that I don't want to get up. So, instead of being out of bed at 6:30 this morning, I stayed all snuggled up until 7:30. Which still isn't bad for me- considering some mornings of late its been closer to 9. But the difference between 6:30 and 7:30 for me is one thing (well- this morning, three things)- kids. So, instead of sitting here in nice silence, sipping my coffee, contemplating the day, I am jumping up to butter waffles, putting more cheerios on the highchair tray, and helping choose outfits for the day. I guess that's an incentive for getting up earlier: a little alone time.

So, we did rejoin the YMCA yesterday. My humbling realization being that I need to lose 31 pounds. That is my goal. I'd like to drop 11 by my birthday (the end of November), so we'll see how that goes. I'm getting ready to look now to see what time we'll head over there today. Alyssa is able to work out now too, so it was actually a good bonding experience for us.

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