She did settle down after a few minutes, right as Daddy was done washing her. She looks rather pensive in this picture, no?
Friday, December 29, 2006
Baby's First Bath
She did settle down after a few minutes, right as Daddy was done washing her. She looks rather pensive in this picture, no?
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Elizabeth Mae
Friday, December 01, 2006
Favorite Christmas Songs
Favorite Traditional Non-Religious Song:
"Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" by anyone
The line, "Next year all our troubles will be miles away" offers such hope :)
Favorite Non-Traditional, Non-Religious Songs:
"The Hanukkah Song" by Adam Sandlar
This one just cracks me up every time I hear it.
"Mele Kalikimaka" by anyone
I like this because it takes me someplace warm.
Favorite Non-Traditional, Religious Song:
"Mary, Did You Know?" sung by anyone
This has become one of the girls favorites too, but I have to stop them when they start singing it to each other- it becomes rather silly when they respond with, "Yes, I did know" in a falsetto voice. Also, they need to learn the real words because we end up with, "Mary, did you know your son was gonna save us?" and such like that.
Favorite Traditional, Religious Songs:
"O, Holy Night" by anyone, but especially Josh Groban
I love to belt this one out whenever I hear it. Doesn't matter that I can't carry a tune- I just belt it.
"O, Come All Ye Faithful" by any church choir/congregation
For some reason, this song always brings tears to my eyes. During the line, "Sing choirs of angels, sing in jubilation, sing all ye citizens of heaven above" I can always picture my departed grandmothers along with Brett's departed grandmother in robes just belting this song out- kind of the way I do to "O, Holy Night" :)
Anyone care to share theirs?
Monday, November 27, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Turkey Talk
"It's a mix of red and blue."
That was Brett's smart alec answer to Alyssa's question, "What's The Color Purple?" Of course, she was referring to the Broadway musical that was performing during the parade this morning. And daddy knew's no wonder our 4 year old knows the meaning (and proper use) of the word "sarcastic".
"Am I sick?"
This was Gavin's question after Brett and I were commenting on his sideways viewing of the tv. He seems to prefer watching television out of the side of his eyes- left or right. it's rather amusing to watch, we're just starting to wonder if there is a reason for this.
"Now, it's going to hurt you."
This was Brett's comment to Eli as we were trying to give him a haircut this morning. My aunt's wedding is this weekend and his hair was sticking straight up. Brett always cuts the boys' hair, and Eli usually loves it, but this morning he decided it was hurting him and proceeded to scream at the top of his lungs. And, once you star a haircut, it's pretty impossible to just stop in the middle. Brett got frustrated with Eli's scrreamin and squirming. I mentioned quietly that that may not have been the best way to settle him down.
"Yeah, but what were you for Halloween?"
Another Gavin quote- this one is response to my uncle who was a life-long fireman telling Gavin that he used to be a fireman. Gavin was less than impressed, I guess.
"You need to pick out your wrapping paper now"
From one uncle to another aunt, after we were teasing her about her age. We were all sitting around my other aunt's house where my grandparents happen to reside. My deceased grandparents. They now reside on my aunt's entertainment center in nicely wrapped boxes- floral for my grandma and a more regal, manly stripe pattern for my grandpa.
But, my favorite quote for the day was Eli:
"Happy Thanksgiving, LaaLaa"
This was at about 7:15 this morning. What made this so delightfully amusing was that we thought he was sound asleep. He was laying on his belly, clad only his diaper, in the middle of our bed.
Overall, it was a very pleasant Thanksgiving. It began this morning with the all of us sitting around eating breakfast watching the Macy's Day parade, then heading over to Brett's parents for a turkey lunch, then out to my aunt's for visiting with my family and a little dessert. Poor Gavin crashed in the car on the way home. The girls are now in bed asleep, Eli is of course still wide awake, and Brett and I are flipping between the end of Grey's Anatomy and the Chiefs' game.
Friday, November 17, 2006
So, what does it mean when....
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Bragging on my baby girl
We are working on pronouns right now, and her grammar lesson today required her to write three sentences on a woman from the Bible using her name once and then the pronouns she and her. This is what she wrote:
Monday, November 06, 2006
TV Watching
So, last night, we're watching Desperate Housewives, and I am actually shocked by what happened- that doesn't happen to often- and I actually laughed out loud at a couple quotes. The one that sticks out in my mind though, is when Lynette's husband (talking about taking custody of his daughter from a previous relationship) says,
"I thought you didn't want five kids."
And Lynette quickly responds,
"I didn't want the first four either, but they're starting to grow on me."
I looked at Brett and just burst out laughing :)
By the way,the show that follows DH, Brothers and Sisters, is very good. Something about the way the the characters are written-the family dynamic- something- it is really good tv.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Not exactly the type of book club I imagined.....
I picture a book club as a group of people sitting around with coffee and snacks making pithy comments about wonderful classics.
Tonight, it was sitting around in a circle sharing our favorite book title, drawing a book cover with construction paper and crayons, and playing a game of "pass the book". This was Alyssa's book club that she designed for us. She planned this out all day and made up little cards for us to fill out.
We had a lot of fun sitting around for about 20 minutes going over our favorite books and showing off our drawings.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Halloween Pictures

Nothing like celebrating Halloween with your cousins :)
We have a pink Power Ranger, Robin, a blue Power Ranger, Buzz Lightyear, another blue Power Ranger (from a different season), a Mickey fireman, and a cowgirl.
The kids stayed out for quite a long time. They were frozen by the time they got home, but they all had fun. We now have a grocery paper bag over halfway full of candy. It may not sound like much, but trust me: it is.
Check out the Power Ranger poses from two and the goofy smiles from the other two:

Wednesday, November 01, 2006
My Boys
Eli gets to sleep by laying in our bed at night, and he was in a particularly goofy mood while we were trying to settle him down, so I was asking him all kinds of questions. I asked him, "Are you a baby?" "No" "Are you a big boy?" "No" "What are you?" "Eli boy" He's still awake right now making monkey noises (thankfully quietly since daddy is already asleep) and licking my arm as I type. Side note: We managed to get rid of his "Paby" (pacifier) without any fuss from him. He hasn't even asked for it. Woo hoo! Hopefully, he'll forget all associations with it by the time his little sister is born in 6 1/2 weeks. (YIKES!)
Thursday, October 19, 2006
There's Just Something About A Sleeping Baby....
Friday, October 13, 2006
Our Baby Girl

This one is a little bit harder to tell, but that is actually her foot poking herself in the eye. You can see her nose and mouth right below.

The technician was impressed with her chubby cheeks and fat rolls :) You can kind of see how she already seems to have the "nursing cheeks"

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Not quite a cold winter's eve, but still...
Then, we're downstairs to watch Sleeping Beauty. Why oh why would I subject myself to that after the Little Mermaid incident? Well, I don't have quite the emotional attachment to Sleeping Beauty (or, as we call her around here: Sleeping Booty)
Brett is in bed (been there since 6pm) due to an awful headache and (I'm sure) pure exhaustion. No painting tonight. I'm not quite sure why I'm giving the kids chocolate and marshmallows when I'm ready for bed myself. Maybe the kids take after their father with an immunity to caffeine. Maybe.
Watching The Little Mermaid with my children...
So, I was pleased to share it with my children for the first "real" time. They've seen clips of it before, read the books (Disney versions, of course) and are very familiar with the storyline and characters. But this was the first time sitting down actually watching it. I must say, the Disney people did a great job of restoring the color to this movie- it looks fantastic!
What are my children's thoughts on this timeless classic from my childhood?
Alyssa: "How come when Ursula gets ploinked by Eric, it kills her?" Ploinked? Where on earth did she come up with that word. I prefer to say "shish-ka-bobed".
Gavin: "I'm gonna puke!!!!" complete with jumping up from laying down and grabbing his throat (for Gavin to move at all when watching tv is a big deal). This comment came during the "Kiss the Girl" scene just as Eric leans over to kiss Ariel. Sometimes, he's such a boy- those would be the times he's not dancing around singing "Popular" from WICKED or playing dolls with his sisters.
Lauri: "Ursula has huge bo*bs!" She had to repeat this numerous times, and once even added, "They're bigger than my head!!!" That's my little princess.
The kids seemed to loose interest by the very end, although they all wanted to know if Ariel was going to come out of the water naked. Ugh. Brett and I ended up having to tell them to be quiet just so we could enjoy the final scene.
They all asked to watch it again soon- it a Hoedl childhood obsession- watch a movie once, then proceed to watch it as many times as possible in the next two weeks. I think next time we put it on, I'll skip it- maybe Brett and I can watch it in peace and quiet one night :)
Back to Blogging...
We are redoing the kids' rooms in preparation for the new baby- so our house is in chaos.
Brett started an early morning job requiring him to get up at 3am five days a week.
Lots to do and we are on an official countdown of 10 weeks from today until our newest family member arrives!!!!!!
I'll blog more later- a couple funny stories to share. :)
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Sappy Mommy Post
These questions are always interesting to me. Mostly because, like most parents, you don't think about the "how", you just do it. Sure, every once in awhile, when I'm around people who aren't used to kids, or are maybe just used to 1 or 2, I'll think about what it must be like to not be used to our chaos. But for the most part, we just do it. Then we go to sleep, wake up, and do it again.
Brett has a friend with one child- a 3 year old daughter. I've only met her once, but she seems like a pretty normal 3 year old girl. Sweet, not too much trouble. They have a 7 year old nephew staying with them for a couple weeks, and Brett's friend text messaged him last night: "I have a new respect for you and Wendy. I don't know how you do it with four." Brett looked at me and said, "I don't even know how to respond to that."
We've never had the opportunity to settle in to a routine. By the time we feel like things have worked themselves into a groove, we've added a new member of the family. I can already feel our groove being set right now, and it just makes me laugh. What? I'm getting all the schoolwork done I planned and then some? I'm keeping the house (somewhat) clean? We're having time to spend together as a family? Oh yeah, this is all happening because in three months we'll have another child.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want it any other way. I honestly couldn't imagine it any other way. Our life is just that- OUR life. It sometimes amazes me that Brett and I are responsible for bringing these four absolutely amazing people into the world. And we're going to have one more.....
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Weirdness Continued...
After 4 kids, you wouldn't think too many childish things would be new to us. But, Eli has found a way to be unique (besides his blue eyes). He refers to himsef constantly as "ELI!" Everything he says is "ELI go!" "ELI book!" "ELI shower!" And he emphasizes so much on his name that you think he's going to pop. ELI!!!! He also loves to repeat whatever the kids say, so when I sarcastically asked the kids yesterday if they were ready to go do work, and they all sincerely answered, "YES!" (another weird moment ;) He was right there screaming with them. This does have its benefits. On our way home from our first co-op this week, where I taught all 3 hours- leaving Eli in a separate room, I asked the kids, "Who had fun this afternoon?" All four of them responded with a resounding "ME!!!!" Of course, Eli's was a, "ME! ELI!"
And, on another aspect of our "weirdness", it is a race now in the house to see who can memorize all the songs in "WICKED" first. Yes, the musical is three years old, but it's only a week old to the Hoedl family. Hey, it's a step up from "High School Musical" :)
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Eli has discovered....
Yes, we know the "ruls" about not starting peanut butter unti at least two years old.
His diet was beginning to consist of chicken nuggests, yogurt, and fruit snacks. Literally. That is all he would eat. So, we decided to introduce a new staple. He loves it. He is eating peanut butter on Ritz crackers right now for lunch, and he has peanut butter all over his mouth....kinda like a goatie.
And his other new "discovery": cereal with milk. Specifically, Honey Nut Cheerios.
He's got a wet paper towel right now, trying to figure out how to get the peanut butter off of his fingers.
Good luck, buddy.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Don't Be Afraid....
Comment lines are open for everyone- no need to register!
Monday, August 28, 2006
My Weird Children: Part Three
Gavin is standing next to me as I get him a popsicle out of the freezer. He is doing what some might call the "peepee" dance. "Do you need to pee?" I ask him.
"Nope" he replies.
"Is your p*nis bothering you?"
"What are you grabbing yourself?"
"I'm just enjoying my p*nis"
I am *so* not prepared to be a mother of a little boy..............
Friday, August 25, 2006
Funny Email Subject Line of the Day
"Ever wish you were home more often with your kids..."
Thursday, August 24, 2006
My Weird Children: Part Two
"How many words?"
"I'm going to need two pieces of paper for that!!!!"
She went on to only miss 4 out of 75.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
My Weird Children: Part One
She was on he way up from playing dress up in the basement when I accosted her with, "Hey, Alyssa! I have a special job for you!!!"
Usually this is meant with groans, but so far she was receptive. "What?" she asked cautiously
"Peeling potatoes!"
How might you expect a "normal" 8 year old to respond to this? Running the other direction? Tears and screams of protest? Nope, not my girl.
"YES!!!" she shouted and immediately went to find the bag of potatoes and the peeler. :)
Lauri's Work
Monday, August 21, 2006
Week 4
The most exciting news of the day is that Pete's Pond is back up!!!! We spent many hours last year listening to the squawk of birds and watching patiently for a giraffe or warthog to visit the pond. Most of the time its just gazelles and various birds, but it's still neat to have a "window" to the other side of the world. Yea!!!
I'm trying to upload some of the girls' work, but blogger is being dumb, so I'll try again later.....
Thursday, August 17, 2006
You Know It's The Day After A Birthday When.... let the kids all play at the train table for an hour after breakfast because they're all getting along with no fights only get the basics-math, grammar, spelling- done today (making up for not taking off his actual birthday) were tempted to eat leftover cookie cake for breakfast :)
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
You Know It's a Birthday When....
....Breakfast: Donuts
....Lunch: Pizza
....Dinner: A restaurant
Happy 4th Birthday Gavin!!!
The Tie Is Broken...
The kids were *very* excited to learn that they are getting a baby sister. Now they are obsessed with names. Brett and I are kind of stuck on names, so we are open to any and all suggestions.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Boys vs. Girls
And here are my girls:
In less than 4 hours until we find out which side is going to win :)
Monday, August 14, 2006
Starting Week Three...
Gavin started his first real year of school this year. He is working on a PreK/early Kindergarten level. He is working in Rod & Staff Preschool ABC Series, Phonics Pathways, Handwriting Without Tears (currently in the orange book, but we'll probably repeat it), Go For the Code, and various other materials pulled from websites and books. He is still enthusiastic about his work which is encouraging.
The girls are using the same curriculums just at different levels, so I'll list them together (Lauri/Alyssa):
Spelling :Spelling Workout (level B/level F)
Grammar: Rod & Staff (grade 2/finishing grade 3-soon to be starting on grade 4)
Math: Singapore Math (2A/4A)
History: Story of the World Vol 2 (we are about halfway done with this)
Science: We are doing a review with materials and assignments I have pulled together myself. We are quickly going through types of animals, the human body, and earth science before we start on early Chemistry.
Latin: We are joining a newly formed Latin co-op using Minimus Latin. This will start mid-September.
This pretty much covers it. We are also going to be loosely studying American History this year. I'll try and post some of the kids' work, but I'm not sure how the scans will show up on this site.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Oh Say Can You Sing

I know this picture looks staged, but it's mainly because Eli says "cheese" every time he sees a camera.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Book Report
Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson: Somehow I missed this book as a child. I read it the other day because I have heard such good things about it, and I want Alyssa to read it this year. I am trying to do more prereading of her material. This was an amazing book, but incredibly sad. I finished it a little after midnight one night, and I proceeded to bawl my eyes out. Maybe part hormones, but mostly incredible writing.
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate Decamillo: I read this right after Alyssa did. It only took me a little over an hour. It reads like a wonderful fairy tale and has a moral equivilant to an Aesop fable. It is such a beautiful book. It describes love in a most unusal way. I'm planning on reading this to Lauri and Gavin this week.
Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt by Anne Rice:Brett read this awhile back, and he kept bugging me to pick it up. I did, and I managed to finish it in about three days. You definately have to read this as fiction, but it is still amazingly spiritual. Rice's writing flows well, and it is encaptivating to enter into a child Jesus' thoughts.
I need to decide which book I'm going to pick up next. I'm debating between prereading The City of Ember (by Jeanne Duprau) for Alyssa's September book club or Master and Commander by Patrick O'Brian. I may just go ahead and start both. Since they're so incredibly different, I can't imagine that I'll have any trouble keeping them separate :)
Side note on movies: Brett and I watched Rumor Has It last night with Kevin Costner and Jennifer Aniston. A rather odd plot, but we enjoyed it. Shirley MacLaine was hilarious. It was a fun way to spend a Saturday night. Tonight we're watching Flight of the Navigator. Somehow, I missed this as a child (it came out in 1986), but luckily I'm married to the king of 80s juvinile SciFi movies. Pretty funny that I don't remember this movie, especially since its set where I actually lived in 1986. The girls are really enjoying it, but poor Gavin fell asleep about 20 minutes into it.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Taking Matters Into My Own Hands
So, with a bottle of 409, I attacked it in mid-air. About a half a bottle later, it began to weaken and gathered enough courage to take a strike at it with my shoe. Aaaah, sweet victory.
What is it about spiderwebs that once your skin touches even the tiniest bit of one, you are then condemned to feel as if spiders are crawling all over you for the rest of the day. Ick. The price I must pay, right?
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Why I let my kids arrange a "sleepover" on a school night....
....they have voluntarily put themselves to bed at 6:56 (with a special treat of a vcr tape on our portable tv)
....the three of them agreed to the set-up (and the movie!!!) without the slightest hint of an arguement
....all three of them will be sharing this room soon enough, so let it stay special while it can :)
"How do you spell.....???"
is what Brett and I heard last night as we were settling down for bed. Seems poor Lauri was having some type of dream (nightmare?) about writing something on Spain. Which is odd for two reasons: she keeps telling me how much she loves to write reports and we barely even mentioned Spain yesterday except for a quick note on where it was on our Middle Ages map. Then again, dreams aren't supposed to make sense :) As someone who has the craziest dreams while pregnant, I should know that better than others.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Whoo Hoo! Whoo Hoo Hoo!
Today its because we got a new stove. We went to THE MART last night, and it was delivered today. Brett just walked in, so now I get to try it out with french fries and potatoes. Yum.
That's our exciting news for the day, so once again.....
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
The Second Day
Attitudes are a little bit crabbier on the second day for all of us- although my body seems to be adjusting to waking up early, my mind last night was not remembering to go to sleep early.
Gavin is still enthusiastic about "doing school". I've been impressed with Lauri's handwriting and her enthusiasm for writing papers. Alyssa is getting back in the swing of things. She loves the new keyboard we got and practices on that whenever she gets a chance. I need to find her a teacher, I have no musical skills.
Brett is enjoying his new job. He seems to be adjusting fine. I am looking forward to hearing how today went, since yesterday was a lot of orientation.
So far, so good.
Monday, July 31, 2006
The First Day
Today is our first day "back to school".
Today is Gavin's first day of "doing real school".
Today is our first day without digital cable (or cable of any sort).
Today is the first day in a long time that I arose at 6:15am.
Seeing as it's 7:30, the kids are dressed and fed and anxious to do school, we're off to a pretty good start.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Dinnertime Dramatics
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
~It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year~
For me I've double-whammied myself into a lovely predicament. The Jedi Training Academy will be opening for its 5th official year of school next Monday. WOW!!!! That's hard to believe that we've done four full years of homeschooling. Time really flies by. Traditionally, the last week of July is always something special around here because its VBS. 400 kids come to our church every year for three hours in the morning to learn about Jesus, sing, play games, make crafts, and drive me crazy :)
So what does this lovely equation of school starting + VBS = ? Complete exhaustion and mental chaos. We've had to be out of the house earlier than I was waking up last week. Then I spend three hours hoarding kids around from area to area. We get home in time for lunch and then I collapse....... into lesson planning. I've been preparing lesson plans all week (almost done). I am trying to be much better prepared this year. I already know of some major detours during our schooling (trip to Disney, relative's wedding, and oh yeah- a 5th child), so I'm trying to factor all of this in. I've been typing so much (yet here I am blogging) that I think I'm developing carpal Tunnel.
The fun part of trying to prepare your children's education on such little stamina and brain power is the little mistakes you make. Luckily I've caught some before printing anything out, but I'm sure around October I'll be finding typo I didn't catch this week.
Typo #1- Typing up the word worksheet as worksh*t quite a few times on Alyssa's Grammar Lesson Plan.
Typo #2- Typing "Learn Proper Use of Communism" as a lesson title for Lauri's "Use Proper Use of Commas" Grammar lesson plan.
Spoken Mistake- Of course, when I told Brett last night that I thought I was developing corpral Tunnel.
How long till the weekend??????????
Thursday, July 13, 2006
We've been working all week on packing up old workbooks, throwing out ones we don't need anymore and getting rid of all those broken crayons, dried out markers, etc. My book cabinet (where the kids keep their stuff) now has a feeling of order . Sure, the Little People are still strewn about the floor right next to some Backyardigans books (courtesy of Eli of course), but the little counting/color bears that I've been stepping on all week have finally found a home.
I've actually started scheduling and have picked a first day of school. It is a lot earlier than last year, but I seem to be hearing "I'm bored" and "I have nothing to do a lot more", so I decided an early start is a good idea. Plus, I'm sure once Thanksgiving hits our school year will be a wash until after New Years. Well, depending on when Baby #5 shows up, it could be Valentine's Day.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Saying Goodbye
We weren't quite sure how the kids would take it, but we didn't want to postpone telling them. We told Gavin first. He burst into tears. He is our extreme emotional child. When we bought hermit crabs that bored the kids and only lived a month, he bawled for days. Everytime he'd pass the empty case int the garage, he'd start crying again. We told the girls and they took a little logner to come to tears, but soon we were all crying (save Eli and Brett).
We managed to cheer the kids up with ice cream.
They are now asking for new pets, but Brett and I have put a hold on any pet shopping until the end of the summer. Whatever we do get, IF we get something, will once again live in a cage/tank of some sort and not require too much effort. After the bawling fest on the couch that night, I have no desire to have another pet ever, but I'm sure I'll lose out in the end.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Harry Potter, Yoda, Mommy Bad Luck, and a Peach
What does it mean that there are now six Harry Potter books released, and we own each one? Well, last night it meant that as we searched for Book One, we found Book 5 on top of the refrigerator, Books Two and Three actually on the shelf, Book Four downstairs in the tv room, and Book 6 in the bathroom. But Book One? It was a mad hunt for about 10 minutes, before I finally said, "Didn't you leave it in Dad's car?" "Oh yeeaaahhh" was the reply, and the book was quickly found.
Why was there a mad hunt for Harry Potter Book One? Well, Mom here finally decided to join the pack and read the books. Good summer fare, right? And why were the books scattered through the house? That's thanks to our lovely eldest daughter who is habitual re-reader. She will read her books over and over and over again. She grabs one flips it open to her favorite spot and then, of course, leaves it where she may.
The wisdom of Yoda?
We have a talking Yoda who will answer your yes or no questions. Alyssa was messing around with him yesterday. Question One: "Will I have fun today?" "The answer you seek is: Yes" Question Two: "Will I get a rabbit or puppy?" "The force is strong on this one: No" Question Three: "Will I have a baby sister?" "Not even I can answer that one"
I had to smile :)
Bad Luck Streak Over!
Lauri started softball this summer. Not my favorite sport, but she seemed to enjoy it. Some of the games were dreadfully long, but Brett or I were always there cheering her on. Of course, the games where I wasn't able to make it, Lauri hit s couple RBIs and made it to home base. The games I attended she had a couple foul tips, but no actual hits. We decided that I was bad luck.
Well, all that changed last night at her last game :) She had two great hits and made it to third base both times. She also made a couple good runs for the ball and throws. It was a good final game :)
Peachy Keen
Lauri has been reading James and the Giant Peach for a couple weeks now. It is her main summer book that I want her to finish. Every day it is a struggle to get her to read aloud to me. She complains that she doesn't like the book, and is focused on playing outside with the neighbor girls.
This morning she had a really long chapter to make it through before going outside to play. She came and sat down next to me and started reading aloud. She made it through two pages with very minimal mistakes, and at an appropriate pace. She continued on to finish the other six pages without so much as a fuss. She even stopped a couple times real quick to comment on the characters. When she finished the chapter, she said, "I love this book! It's really funny!"
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Style Challenged
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Back To Posting
Here's baby "Tie" as in tie-breaker. Not sure if the boys or the girls will win this (FINAL) round. S/he was so cute. The second s/he came on screen s/he was waving to us. You can see his little hand right above his belly. S/he was showing off for us. Considering that s/he is only about two inches longs, this is pretty incredible. Even this being our fifth time around it doesn't cease to amaze me.
Oh, by the way, the sonogram gave us a due date of December 26th- lovely :)
Monday, April 17, 2006
Our New Neighbors
Here are our new neighbors

They are kind of hard to see all nestled in there- this picture was taken when there was only three, now we are up to ten. Here's an outside shot of their new abode~
Yep, that's our grill. Our grill we won't be using at all this Spring due to our new neighbors. I watched them slowly move in, piece by piece not thinking much of it- then BOOM- eggs. The nest is pretty elaborate. Brett and I wouldn't dream of wrecking it- at least not until the baby birds have flown the nest :)
Here's are other addition to our backyard.
And that's Brett hiding an egg by the rim, not trying to take a cheap shot :) We have really enjoyed the hoop a lot already. It was great yesterday for our Easter get together- we played a fun game of three-on-three.
Sidenote: Don't EVER play basketball barefoot on concrete, my feet are still killing me!
Friday, April 07, 2006
Suffering Suffragettes
I'm not one to brag on my kids a lot- but I watched this clip with Alyssa. After the first two girls, I paused it and Alyssa if she knew what suffrage was- She said, "I read that book about the suffragettes. They were the ones who got women to vote. " Then she burst out laughing at the remainder of clip- figuring how these girls were signing to give up their right to vote.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Those Pics I Promised
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Blogging a birthday
We finished that and had some free time before lunch, so I asked her what she wanted to do. She is not as into tv as the other kids, so I was surprised when she said she wanted to watch a movie. Okay, I say, which one?
She has become very interested in the Titanic recently after Alyssa had her own little burst of interest. She has been pouring over books that show pictures and drawings of the Titanic and its' sinking. So, I put it on, and we watched the first hour. I tried to explain how the story of the characters isn't real, but a lot of the stuff that happens is real. I think she got it- sort of.
After lunch, we went to the YMCA for a tumbling class and to swim. When we returned, we finished watching the movie (skipping over some less than appropriate scenes).
We had dinner last night at the Rainforest Cafe at Oak Park Mall- after going to make a chick at Build a Bear. Lots of fun :)
I'll post some pictures later-
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
For all my homeschooling friends....
can't be homesick when he's at home.
Last night was the kicker though.
Saturday night Grammy had 3 extra kiddos at the Lake house for a sleepover, including Gavin's best little buddy- his almost 3 year old cousin (A). He said last night, "I hope A's not sick." I said, "I don't think she is. Why?" "Because she spent the night at the Lake house with me, and I was homesick. I hope she isn't homesick too." I tried to explain to him that being homesick isn't contagious.
The mind of a 3 1/2 year old.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Just for DeeDee
I thought for sure he would abandon the new beebee, but now he has "The Beebee Brothers". He carries them both around and sleeps with both of them. He constantly reminds me that they are both boys.
Eli has really started talking more. Anytime someone walks into a room, they get a double handed wave and "Hi hi hi hi hi". Same if someone leaves "Bye bye bye bye bye". It's pretty cute.
I went for a health assesment on Tuesday. They weighed me, took my body fat levels, tested my heart, flexibility. Let's just say I have a great heart :) Everything else needs some work. I knew that already, but this gave me some more motivation.
I'll try to post a picture of Gav with his Beebee Brothers later, and I still need to get our school and office pics up.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
How do YOU celebrate???
But- today is not only Ash Wednesday. It is also National Pig's Day. Every March 1st. When we discovered this last Fall, preparations were already being made. A list was drawn up, "What To Do On Pig's Day". While I don't think we'll get to all of it (I'm not real keen on the idea of a mud fight), we did start out with the appropriate Pig's Day Breakfast. That's a pig made out of a donut and donut holes.

During breakfast, we had a wonderful Latin lesson- Pig Latin, that is. We've got a stack of pig books to read and we may even make some pig crafts in a little bit. And of course, to finish off the night, Pig in a Blanket for dinner.
Sidenote: Fell asleep after folding laundry last night at 6:30. So, we did not finish the basement. Soon. Soon.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Basement Remodeling...
Friday, February 24, 2006
A journey of 50 lbs begins with....
We joined the YMCA 2 1/2 weeks ago. I was reluctant to get on the scale the first time because I wasn't quite sure where I was at. Then I figured out that I need to lose 50 pounds to be at a healthy weight. I got back on the scale on Wednesday, and I discovered that I've lost 6 pounds!!! I am very excited about this. I haven't been on any strict diet- I have paid a bit more attention to what I'm eating, but I know this is mainly due to getting off my butt and exercising.
For what we pay at the Y, we are definitely getting our money's worth. They have classes for the girls every day, and twice a week they have a tumbling class that Lauri and Gavin can attend. It's been great for everyone in the family- except Eli. He's still adjusting to the nursery. He doesn't cry a lot, he's just very clingy to whoever is in there. I'm hoping this will get better over time. That's my only complaint about the place (but I understand where they're coming from)- kids 3 and over are in a separate room from those 2 and under. So, poor Eli is all by himself.
I am so encouraged by my progress. I know that it will take some time for those other 44 pounds, but I truly believe they will be gone!
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Not your usual trip to the Lake
This is what we got when we visited Beaver Lake this past weekend.

And no trip to the lake would be complete without a visit from a random dog.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
"Are you going to read this book?"
This was Brett last night, wanting to share about the current book he's reading Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt. I always tease him about ruining books for me. He likes to share interesting facts or quotes from whatever he's reading.
Truthfully though, I like when he points something out to me before I get to it. Then, when I get to that part in the book, I think of him :)
Happy Valentine's Day
Monday, February 13, 2006
Boys will be boys
I went out to take my turn to peek at the kids, and I saw Gavin facing the fence. I couldn't tell if he was looking at someone else or if he was upset about something. I asked him what he was doing, and he answered, "I'm peeing!"
I got him to come inside right away, and I sent him to his room. I sat down to talk with him about why we don't urinate not only in front of others, but especially in our backyard. I said, "Do you want the other kids to see you pee?" and he promptly replied, "But they were laughing!" Yes, he definitely has the makings of a class clown.
This was the sentence Lauri composed in her current Explode the Code. The correct word was "dining hall" not "childish", and I was surprised at her answer. I had her read it aloud to me. Here's what she said, "Lots of students can eat lunch in a childish. You know, child-dish."
I just had to laugh.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Oh, by the way,
Went on a date last night...
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
This is NOT the look of my baby today

He's been running a slight fever all daydue to teething (so my mommy instincts tell me). He's been in either my arms. Alyssa's arms or his bed all day. No floor time, no playtime. I'm praying that he'll be better tomorrow. It's so sad to see my usually into-everything toddler just flop his head down on my chest.
Another Picture
Trip to the zoo

This was our most recent trip to the zoo. We decided to take off last Tuesday afternoon. The weather was about 60 degrees. We recieved zoo passes for Christmas (thanks mom and dad!), so we can go whenever we feel like it. Most of the zoo was closed for either renovations or due to the fact that it was January and it's not supposed to be 60 degrees, but we had a great time anyway. We took our time and ended up spending 2 hours there! It's kind of hard to see in this picture, but they had the cr

Poor kid didn't realize you had to put a quarter in to be able to see.

Eli loved his first trip to the zoo.

We had a great time. We packed our own snack of freshly popped popcorn (with a real popper- no microwave!), brought our own water bottles, and just took time to relax and play. It was a great reminder for me of why we chose this lifestyle- being able to learn outside the class, building relationships between our children, and just enjoying ourselves.