Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Trip to the zoo

This was our most recent trip to the zoo. We decided to take off last Tuesday afternoon. The weather was about 60 degrees. We recieved zoo passes for Christmas (thanks mom and dad!), so we can go whenever we feel like it. Most of the zoo was closed for either renovations or due to the fact that it was January and it's not supposed to be 60 degrees, but we had a great time anyway. We took our time and ended up spending 2 hours there! It's kind of hard to see in this picture, but they had the crayons out where you could face paint with them. And yes, they are all wearing their matching JEDI t-shirts. I was actually wearing one too, but no one was there to take my picture :)

Poor kid didn't realize you had to put a quarter in to be able to see.

Eli loved his first trip to the zoo.

We had a great time. We packed our own snack of freshly popped popcorn (with a real popper- no microwave!), brought our own water bottles, and just took time to relax and play. It was a great reminder for me of why we chose this lifestyle- being able to learn outside the class, building relationships between our children, and just enjoying ourselves.

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