Monday, August 28, 2006

My Weird Children: Part Three

Believe it or not, I don't have to make these stories up. I guess enough odd stuff happens when you have four kids. This story is straight to the computer I'm-stopping-cleaning-the-kitchen-to-come-blog-because-I-can't-stop-laughing. Lest anyone think I'm a prude, the following words are blanked out so no one can find this story looking for less than appropriate web sites.

Gavin is standing next to me as I get him a popsicle out of the freezer. He is doing what some might call the "peepee" dance. "Do you need to pee?" I ask him.

"Nope" he replies.

"Is your p*nis bothering you?"


"What are you grabbing yourself?"

"I'm just enjoying my p*nis"

I am *so* not prepared to be a mother of a little boy..............

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