Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Not quite a cold winter's eve, but still...

A good night for hot chocolate. At least for the kiddos. My pregnant body has an internal temperature of about 110*, so although the windows are open (despite the rain) and that it's only 54* outside, I am sitting here sweating, while the littles enjoy their hot chocolate. Poor Eli just gets his "pabie" (that's slang for pacifier around here) dipped in the other kids' cups.

Then, we're downstairs to watch Sleeping Beauty. Why oh why would I subject myself to that after the Little Mermaid incident? Well, I don't have quite the emotional attachment to Sleeping Beauty (or, as we call her around here: Sleeping Booty)

Brett is in bed (been there since 6pm) due to an awful headache and (I'm sure) pure exhaustion. No painting tonight. I'm not quite sure why I'm giving the kids chocolate and marshmallows when I'm ready for bed myself. Maybe the kids take after their father with an immunity to caffeine. Maybe.

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