Wednesday, July 26, 2006

~It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year~

It's the last week of July!!!!!

For me I've double-whammied myself into a lovely predicament. The Jedi Training Academy will be opening for its 5th official year of school next Monday. WOW!!!! That's hard to believe that we've done four full years of homeschooling. Time really flies by. Traditionally, the last week of July is always something special around here because its VBS. 400 kids come to our church every year for three hours in the morning to learn about Jesus, sing, play games, make crafts, and drive me crazy :)

So what does this lovely equation of school starting + VBS = ? Complete exhaustion and mental chaos. We've had to be out of the house earlier than I was waking up last week. Then I spend three hours hoarding kids around from area to area. We get home in time for lunch and then I collapse....... into lesson planning. I've been preparing lesson plans all week (almost done). I am trying to be much better prepared this year. I already know of some major detours during our schooling (trip to Disney, relative's wedding, and oh yeah- a 5th child), so I'm trying to factor all of this in. I've been typing so much (yet here I am blogging) that I think I'm developing carpal Tunnel.

The fun part of trying to prepare your children's education on such little stamina and brain power is the little mistakes you make. Luckily I've caught some before printing anything out, but I'm sure around October I'll be finding typo I didn't catch this week.

Typo #1- Typing up the word worksheet as worksh*t quite a few times on Alyssa's Grammar Lesson Plan.

Typo #2- Typing "Learn Proper Use of Communism" as a lesson title for Lauri's "Use Proper Use of Commas" Grammar lesson plan.

Spoken Mistake- Of course, when I told Brett last night that I thought I was developing corpral Tunnel.

How long till the weekend??????????

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