Thursday, July 13, 2006


All week I've been looking forward to coming here to post, "THE SCHOOL ROOM IS CLEANED UP AND CLEANED OUT!!!!" Well, the best I can do is say, "The school room is at an acceptable level of disarray."

We've been working all week on packing up old workbooks, throwing out ones we don't need anymore and getting rid of all those broken crayons, dried out markers, etc. My book cabinet (where the kids keep their stuff) now has a feeling of order . Sure, the Little People are still strewn about the floor right next to some Backyardigans books (courtesy of Eli of course), but the little counting/color bears that I've been stepping on all week have finally found a home.

I've actually started scheduling and have picked a first day of school. It is a lot earlier than last year, but I seem to be hearing "I'm bored" and "I have nothing to do a lot more", so I decided an early start is a good idea. Plus, I'm sure once Thanksgiving hits our school year will be a wash until after New Years. Well, depending on when Baby #5 shows up, it could be Valentine's Day.

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