Thursday, March 16, 2006

Just for DeeDee

Since I've been personally requested to update my blog, I guess I should get back on. No real reason for not posting in the past couple weeks except for busyness. We had a minor catastrophe last week when Gavin lost Beebee for a week. We searched the house up and down, in and out. Finally, Sat night, he came up to my work with Grammy and bought a new one. Of course, when cleaning up her room Tuesday Alyssa found it. Stuffed inside a tiny little doll backpack.

I thought for sure he would abandon the new beebee, but now he has "The Beebee Brothers". He carries them both around and sleeps with both of them. He constantly reminds me that they are both boys.

Eli has really started talking more. Anytime someone walks into a room, they get a double handed wave and "Hi hi hi hi hi". Same if someone leaves "Bye bye bye bye bye". It's pretty cute.

I went for a health assesment on Tuesday. They weighed me, took my body fat levels, tested my heart, flexibility. Let's just say I have a great heart :) Everything else needs some work. I knew that already, but this gave me some more motivation.

I'll try to post a picture of Gav with his Beebee Brothers later, and I still need to get our school and office pics up.

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