Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Last weekend, the middle kiddos went down to the Lake with Grammy. They've done this before, and they always have a great time. This time was no different except one thing. They called more times this weekend then ever before. Gavin has repeatedly told me, "I missed you when I was at the Lake, Mommy". He's said this before, but now he has a name for it. "I'm sick." he keeps telling me. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I'm homesick." I then remind him that he
can't be homesick when he's at home.

Last night was the kicker though.

Saturday night Grammy had 3 extra kiddos at the Lake house for a sleepover, including Gavin's best little buddy- his almost 3 year old cousin (A). He said last night, "I hope A's not sick." I said, "I don't think she is. Why?" "Because she spent the night at the Lake house with me, and I was homesick. I hope she isn't homesick too." I tried to explain to him that being homesick isn't contagious.

The mind of a 3 1/2 year old.

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