Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Rain Rain Go Away/ Alyssa's Schedule

I know we need the rain and all that, but I'm just tired of it. A big summer thunderstorm is okay, but this constant drizzle- ick. I didn't go for a run this morning because of the storm. But I may change my mind and go ahead and go get wet.

I've been working on lesson plans for the past week. I actually don't mind doing my lesson plans. They're not actual lesson plans in that I sit down and write out everything I am going to say, do, and need. Most of materials do that for me. They are more like checklists. Taking a table of contents from a book and turning into a tidy little checklist that keeps me on track for the year.

So, for the inquiring minds who are just dying to know what we're studying this year...this is your lucky day! Well, sort of...I'm only going to post Alyssa's today :)

Alyssa (her sixth year of homeschooling!- how did that happen????)

  • Singapore Math 6a/6b- Singapore Math is the only real math curriculum we've ever used.

  • Rod and Staff Grammar: Level 6- Alyssa has gone through levels 3-5 and knows more about grammar than I ever learned in school.

  • Real Science 4 Kids: Biology- This our first year with a real (haha) science curriculum. I am very excited about it. The course itself doesn't delve into the human body (covering mainly plants and animal classification), but there are plenty of resources out there to help with that.

  • Minimus Secundus- We are hopefully rejoining our Latin co-op this year.

  • Story of the World: Volume 4- Alyssa is finishing this up and then at some point during the year will restart the history cycle with ancient times.

  • She is also participating in: Spanish class, Roots and Shoots, an advanced literature class, a Girls Club, a running club and a tap class.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Good weekend, good week

Brett's high school reunion was this past weekend. We didn't go to the "formal" event, but we had a nice time at a bar Friday night. I know a couple of his old classmates, so I didn't feel too out of place. Brett got the chance to catch up with some old friends, and hopefully we'll see some of them before ten more years.

Saturday morning, we took a bike ride to the library. It was hot out, but overcast, so we didn't have the sun shining down on us. I think its around eight miles round trip, but I could be totally off base. Here's Lauri playing around before we left.

Brett was filling the bike tires up and the kids were climbing around. Eli and Gavin climbed up on Brett's car and wanted me to take their picture. Then the girls climbed up. I threw Lizzie up there too, and voila! A perfect picture. Sure they're not wearing cute and matching outfits, the backdrop is our garage, and there's a Diet Coke peeking out from behind Alyssa's shoulder, but they are all smiling and looking at the camera. I think I should get an 8X10 of this and hang it over our fireplace because for some reason, if I take them somewhere, dress them fancy, and pay lots of money then someone isn't looking or is making a funny face or whatever.

Poor Lauri had swimmer's ear all last week. She was in a lot of pain. Thankfully, she's all better now. We went swimming after our morning bike ride, and we had to get her some ear plugs. Here she is showing off her plugs.

And, despite the fact that it is rainy and icky outside, I've started the week off on a good note. I got up this morning with Brett and went for a 2.5 mile run. I've started the kids back on a couple school subjects (nothing new for the year, just some reviewing), and that is going well. I also am almost done with my science plans for the year (I'll post more on that later). I feel like we're getting in a good groove for the coming (extremely busy!) year. Also, we did some changes around the house (I'll post more on that later, too), and I'm excited about that.

So, here's to a good week!

Oh, and for those of you who may not have believed the struggles I had during VBS, here's a picture of what I had to put up with with my little monkey-

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Like Gavin says, "Its not Vacation Bible School, its VBS."

Every year this is the one thing the kids look forward to the most. Maybe its because its the most camp-like experience they get. Maybe its because they get to sing songs and play water games and climb on inflatables. Or maybe its because its the one week of the summer that stresses me out more than anything else.

Wait a sec, a week without my oldest three kids three hours every day? Why on earth would that stress me out? A number of reasons. One is that we have to be at church (which is 30 mins away) by 9 o'clock every morning. I am not a morning person. And I am especially not a get-five-kids-up-dressed-and-fed-by-8:30-morning person. Then, once they are dropped off, I have the two littles to contend with, and the big decision of "Do I drive home, only to return two hours later?" This year, that question wasn't too hard. With gas prices the way they are, the decision was easy.

Monday I take Eli and Lizzie to Borders. A couple hours and $25 later, we return to get the kids. I start to wonder how economical it really is to not drive home.

Tuesday, I decide on a more wallet-friendly option of going to the library. We arrive minutes before the doors open, and the parking lot is filling up quickly. I run into a friend on the way in who informs me that there is a magic show going on in the children's section. Hesitantly, I go ahead and bring the kids in. The toys, puzzles and games were all set up in the meeting room, so that is where we hung out. Free Internet access, kids kept busy, relative quiet (except for the magic show commotion), can't ask for much more than that. Except maybe an nice Starbucks frappachino, but I digress.

Wednesday I decide to try out a different (but equally close) library. As we're walking back to the children's section, a library volunteer informs me that there is a puppet show going on in the meeting room. I'm starting to wonder how much reading is actually accomplished at the Johnson County Libraries during the summer.

Today we headed back to the Oak Park Library. I actually checked out books today. Eli got bored fast and was hungry because he woke up too late and only ate some Cheerios in the van. So, I do the unthinkable and take him through the McDonalds drive through and get him some fries. Ugh. I haven't taken the kids to McDonalds in months. It kept him happy for a dollar. And they have free wireless internet. Weird, huh?

What have I learned this week?

Eli: His personality amazes me. At Borders, he sorted the Wonder Pets stuffed animals and then counted to see if there was less of one than the others (nope, same of all three). He is probably the most easy-going three year old on the planet. He just kept himself busy coloring, doing puzzles, playing with the toys for hours this week at the libraries and Borders.

Lizzie: She is quite a piece of work. She was climbing everywhere, she made about a dozen friends, and made me take her to the potty twice. She discovered her love for sinks. I discovered how big of a fit she can throw when I take her away from the sink. She loves to dance during the opening and closing songs at VBS. She knows the word "buckle" because everytime I put the car in park, she screams it.

So, tomorrow is our last day of VBS, and I couldn't be more excited. I know I sound like a whiner. If it weren't for dozens of wonderful parents who actually spend the three hours helping run VBS, my kids wouldn't have this opportunity, and I'm complaining about having to drive them there. Why do I do it? Well, my kids would've mutinied if I said no, but even more than that, I know that these memories they're making and friends they're finding will last them for years to come. I met my closest friends (oh yeah, and Brett) and that church.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


"1, 2, 3....What would you do with 96g's?"

Brett and I share a passion for musicals- I enjoy all kinds; he is more of modern musical lover (RENT over Oklahoma, if you know what I mean). After watching the Tony's this year, Brett was intrigued enough by In the Heights to go out and buy the cd. Buy the cd. We have probably purchased less than 6 cds in our whole marriage. He got hooked on it while I was at the lake, and then brought it down to share with me. It is an amazing musical. I dare you to watch this link and not want more. Then, go here. And finally, here. And then, after you've gone out and bought the cd, let me know how much you love it, and I'll send you a couple more links. But, you have to appreciate the music first.

Speaking of the lottery...we bought a Powerball ticket on Monday which has prompted constant singing of "96,000" Brett doesn't seem to think "54 million" has the same ring, but to me, it sounds even better. Let's just say, "If I win the lotto tomorrow" we'll be going to NYC to see this- first thing.

"If I win the lottery, you'll never see me again..." I love singing this line to the kids.

I really can't say enough about this musical. It is what I turn on when I need a boost to clean up or just get off my butt to get anything done.

"Paciencia y Fe" is my new motto.

Just go get the cd. Trust me. It may take you a couple times through to get the story, and you may end up like me, trying to sing along to Spanish words when you have no idea what they are or what they mean, but it is worth the $16.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Update Post

Here is my update from the last two months....

Running: I ran the Hospital Hill run and finished about ten minutes faster than I expected. I ended up with an eleven minute mile pace which isn't fantabulous in the grand scheme of things, but I was very pleased. I am struggling to make it outside everyday because I haven't drug my butt out of bed early enough to run and it is too hot by the time Brett gets home. I'm only going out about 4 days and still not running more than 3 miles. My time off at the lake really messed up my training. Running on the mountain made me faster on the flats, but I lost a lot of endurance by not running for as long of distances as I had been. I am scouting out some races for the next couple months to get myself back excited. If anyone has a run/cause they'd like to support financially (but not physically) I'd be glad to run it for you!

Alyssa-approaching that wonderful phase of pre-adolescence which includes loads of eye-rolling, sarcasm, and general moodiness

Lauri-has become obsessed with the idea that she is a "tom-boy"(focusing on her skateboarding and refusing to wear fancy clothes) despite the fact she got her ears double pierced last week

Gavin-growing like a weed and struggling as a middle child teetering between little and big boy

Eli-still the same...mastering his power ranger moves displaying more and more "Mr. Monk" qualities

Lizzie- growing up way too fast, running everywhere, talking more and more, and trying to potty train herself

I'll be posting a lot about school in the next couple weeks, just know we're getting ready for a VERY busy school year!

I've spent the past couple months reading lots of books and Brett and I have watched a lot of movies, so I'll be posting some reviews of my favorites and least favorites.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Playing Around With the Blog

I'm going to attempt to post more. I actually think a lot about my blog more than I actually write in it. I've got some book reviews, some deep thoughts from my extended vacation, excitements/concerns with the coming school year, struggles/successes with running, and even some thoughts on food all to share.

Look for it!

And a just for fun picture from Arkansas.....