Thursday, March 30, 2006

Those Pics I Promised

Here's the birthday girl~

Here's Gavin not so happy. Our food took quite awhile, and the atmosphere's neatness wore off
quickly. He said, "(insert mad voice) I'm hungry! Where's my food? (insert silly voice) What did I order again?" He has absolutely no patience. Brett and I joke that he's like that lady on the commercial who orders a latte and then and soon as the guy turns around to make it says, "Where's my latte?"
All is better here after his belly was filled with pizza, pasta, chips and of course cookie cake.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Blogging a birthday

Yesterday was Lauri's 6th birthday. We started the morning with donuts (of course). She insisted that they have the day off of school, so our morning began cleaning out her closet. She was excited to go through old winter clothes and left over summer clothes, to make room for the tub of clothes we just got out of storage.

We finished that and had some free time before lunch, so I asked her what she wanted to do. She is not as into tv as the other kids, so I was surprised when she said she wanted to watch a movie. Okay, I say, which one?


She has become very interested in the Titanic recently after Alyssa had her own little burst of interest. She has been pouring over books that show pictures and drawings of the Titanic and its' sinking. So, I put it on, and we watched the first hour. I tried to explain how the story of the characters isn't real, but a lot of the stuff that happens is real. I think she got it- sort of.

After lunch, we went to the YMCA for a tumbling class and to swim. When we returned, we finished watching the movie (skipping over some less than appropriate scenes).

We had dinner last night at the Rainforest Cafe at Oak Park Mall- after going to make a chick at Build a Bear. Lots of fun :)

I'll post some pictures later-

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

For all my homeschooling friends....

Go and read the post titled "It all begins with me", about halfway down the page, on a blog I frequent- Mental Multivitamin.


Last weekend, the middle kiddos went down to the Lake with Grammy. They've done this before, and they always have a great time. This time was no different except one thing. They called more times this weekend then ever before. Gavin has repeatedly told me, "I missed you when I was at the Lake, Mommy". He's said this before, but now he has a name for it. "I'm sick." he keeps telling me. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I'm homesick." I then remind him that he
can't be homesick when he's at home.

Last night was the kicker though.

Saturday night Grammy had 3 extra kiddos at the Lake house for a sleepover, including Gavin's best little buddy- his almost 3 year old cousin (A). He said last night, "I hope A's not sick." I said, "I don't think she is. Why?" "Because she spent the night at the Lake house with me, and I was homesick. I hope she isn't homesick too." I tried to explain to him that being homesick isn't contagious.

The mind of a 3 1/2 year old.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Just for DeeDee

Since I've been personally requested to update my blog, I guess I should get back on. No real reason for not posting in the past couple weeks except for busyness. We had a minor catastrophe last week when Gavin lost Beebee for a week. We searched the house up and down, in and out. Finally, Sat night, he came up to my work with Grammy and bought a new one. Of course, when cleaning up her room Tuesday Alyssa found it. Stuffed inside a tiny little doll backpack.

I thought for sure he would abandon the new beebee, but now he has "The Beebee Brothers". He carries them both around and sleeps with both of them. He constantly reminds me that they are both boys.

Eli has really started talking more. Anytime someone walks into a room, they get a double handed wave and "Hi hi hi hi hi". Same if someone leaves "Bye bye bye bye bye". It's pretty cute.

I went for a health assesment on Tuesday. They weighed me, took my body fat levels, tested my heart, flexibility. Let's just say I have a great heart :) Everything else needs some work. I knew that already, but this gave me some more motivation.

I'll try to post a picture of Gav with his Beebee Brothers later, and I still need to get our school and office pics up.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

How do YOU celebrate???

And no, I'm not talking about Ash Wednesday. Yes, we do celebrate Ash Wednesday, complete with the Imposition of Ashes. Yes, it is a very special day marking the beginning of Lent- a season when we celebrate our Lord's triumph over death.

But- today is not only Ash Wednesday. It is also National Pig's Day. Every March 1st. When we discovered this last Fall, preparations were already being made. A list was drawn up, "What To Do On Pig's Day". While I don't think we'll get to all of it (I'm not real keen on the idea of a mud fight), we did start out with the appropriate Pig's Day Breakfast. That's a pig made out of a donut and donut holes.

During breakfast, we had a wonderful Latin lesson- Pig Latin, that is. We've got a stack of pig books to read and we may even make some pig crafts in a little bit. And of course, to finish off the night, Pig in a Blanket for dinner.

Sidenote: Fell asleep after folding laundry last night at 6:30. So, we did not finish the basement. Soon. Soon.